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Oct 10, 2013 at 11:54am
I struggle with what my final climax between all the characters will be? I'm scared I won't find that out as I get close to the end of November. My Plot items don't reflect this part because I DON'T know what it is. I worry about the side stories and other chacters to fill in the plot line. Tina Weaver ** Image ID #1634119 Unavailable ** |

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Storm Machine

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by Brandiwynš¶

by Robin

by Diane

by StarGazer

by Quick-Quill

by Annette

by Storm Machine

by Fancy

by Quick-Quill

by Fancy

by Brandiwynš¶

by Fancy

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Brandiwynš¶

by Crys-not really here

by Brandiwynš¶