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Oct 10, 2013 at 1:36pm
Have you tried a mind map? Write the word "possible conflicts" at the center of a piece of paper and circle it. Then just start jotting notes around it, connected to the main idea with lines. If one idea makes you think of another idea, connect those two ideas. Keep going until you come up with something you like. If you run out of room on your paper, start a new paper. ![]() Regards, Michelle |

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Storm Machine

by Robin

by Brandiwynš¶

by Robin

by Diane

by StarGazer

by Quick-Quill

by Annette

by Storm Machine

by Fancy

by Quick-Quill

by Fancy

by Brandiwynš¶

by Fancy

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Brandiwynš¶

by Crys-not really here

by Brandiwynš¶