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Oct 10, 2013 at 2:08pm
OH JO! we are ALL in this together that's why we are writer's not AUTHORS per se! We are all striving to achieve perfection in the form of a published work. No matter where you are in the struggle we are all rowing in the same ocean! Battywyn- I will try that circle here is my struggle (even though you did help by posting the antagonist- not a person) I have a painting at the crux of my story. It does nothing but reveal to the observer their inner personality and traits. Its the reaction to the painting that causes the problem. some want to steal the painting, others try to destroy it, another tries to buy it and with that doesn't work they try to intimitate MC into giving it to them. But what is my climax? I can't have priest and bishops, gang members, art collectors and the common folk all in a fist fight? If they all show up for a viewing, what could happen to them? Any help here? In the end the painting will disappear as it has done in the eons previous. Leaving those in its wake better people or worse as the case may be. Tina Weaver ** Image ID #1634119 Unavailable ** |

by Past Member 'alysia'

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by Brandiwynš¶

by Robin

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by Storm Machine

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by Quick-Quill

by Fancy

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by Fancy

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Brandiwynš¶

by Crys-not really here

by Brandiwynš¶