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Oct 10, 2013 at 2:08pm
Thank you. Sometimes I just feel like I should know more about what I'm doing. Is it normal to have trouble finding words to explain things. Lol. I know I usually find them eventually. Just writing helps. But I have done so little of that compared to everyone else here. If nothing else I will definetly learn something. Jo |

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Storm Machine

by Robin

by Brandiwynš¶

by Robin

by Diane

by StarGazer

by Quick-Quill

by Annette

by Storm Machine

by Fancy

by Quick-Quill

by Fancy

by Brandiwynš¶

by Fancy

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Brandiwynš¶

by Crys-not really here

by Brandiwynš¶