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Oct 11, 2013 at 4:22pm
Ally, I enjoyed your blurb and I can see why you feel overwhelmed and its nothing to be ashamed of. I agree with the person who said its up to you and how much time you have on your hands because I can see your idea turning into a wonderfully HUGE project if you let it. This is not a bad thing, it just requires a bit more focus and work. I too started NaNo with a project Id had in my head for years. I realized after Day 3 that it was TOO much for me even though I felt it would be a great story to tell. So in my opinion, if it feels too big, don't be afraid to set it aside for another time. OR just break into smaller books and focus on just one part of your story that may stand out in your mind and feel more like a successful outline. For me I realized I'd need 2 LARGE books minimum to really tell my story how I wanted, I wasn't ready to tackle that on my first NaNo project, but thats just me. I ended up doing the first 3 days work with a few different ideas to see which I felt more inspired on too. But like Michelle said I love your idea and hope you can work through it. Another idea is to just throw a conflict in there that comes to mind even if it doesn't make sense. As you continue your assignments it can be tweeked and redone or thrown out. Sometimes your conflicts can help define your characters more. I admit I don't know half of what my settings look like or who some of my major characters are at all or if my conflicts are even big enough to do my story justice. And it changes on a daily basis, literally. If I were to post my notes, none of it would prob make sense lol But do what feels right to you. We're just completing the first skeleton framework for our novels so now is the best time to start another idea if you have one but don't be discouraged either way. I've read on the NaNo website and elsewhere that some people just start writing on Nov 1 with no research what so ever, they dive in and just do it to see what they come up with. Don't be discouraged if you don't have as much outlined as you'd like. Don't give up, do what feels right, and don't be afraid when all parts don't come to you right away. Have fun with it, don't get discouraged, there's plenty of time. Take a deep breath and know that you will succeed no matter what!! ![]() ____________________________________________________ The scariest moment is always just before you start. ― Stephen King, On Writing |

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