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Oct 20, 2013 at 10:22pm
"Let's see what we can come up with here... um, er, uh. Oh, I know!" (you hear some scrabbling sounds in the corner) "Ta da! I found it. Your very own creative motivation. It was sitting there in the corner all along, covered with last week's newspaper and some stinky laundry." (I take it out, brush it off, and hand it back to you) "Here you go. Good as new." (you reach out to take it from me, when you notice that I have an evil-looking stapler in my other hand) Ka-Thunk! (you can scream now -- I just stapled it to your shoulder) (before you can thank me, or smack me, I run away in the direction of the nearest closet) >jace neophyte novelist ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |

by JaceCar

by StarGazer