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Brandiwyn🎶 Author Icon, also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
October Novel Prep Challenge
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Oct 25, 2013 at 12:03pm
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OT: Sad face.
by A Non-Existent User
I will admit that when I started in 2006 my kids were older than both Darleen's and Ally's My oldest is 20 now so 7 years ago she was 13 and my youngest was 4, but I have 6 and I home school. Guilt over letting them get to far behind on their school work, nearly kept me from doing Nano. I didn't let it.

Look Ladies, here is the truth of it. You are doing this for you. If Mom doesn't take care of herself and do things that challenge her beyond her children, beyond her job, then why should the kids? More importantly, if you don't do something for you to take care of you... How can you take care of them.

Nano restores my soul once a year. I can face the rest of the crap the year has coming because I at least gave Nano my best shot. This is how I won that first year...

1. find out how fast you can type in 15 minutes. Even 2 year olds can entertain themselves for 15 minutes. Divide 1667 words by the number of words you can type in 15. I average about 520. So for me that is 3 15 minute sprints and 1 10 minute one. Find out how many sprints you need to do each day to hit your mark.

2. Do sprints. use them they are your best friend. Whether it is cleaning house or writing, you can do anything in 15 min.

3. Use the Nano boards sprint board or their twitter feed so you are interacting with others and have no excuse not to make it. My favorite thread, and you can be sure to see me there, is carrot and stick. If I meet my goal, I get to watch my favorite tv show, If I don't I have to do laundry. LOL I promise it helps, both on the writing and the house work.

4. Don't stress it. Make this important, like going on a date with your husband to reconnect important. Yes he will feel neglected. Just explain you need to do this on a soul level. He will either learn to live with it or do what my hubby did and join in.

5. Kids don't have to be watched every minute of every day. Even young, let yourself for one month, do nothing but what you have to and put out the gas fires when they start. Kids need to learn to entertain themselves. They need to get dirty or they get peanut allergies.

I have seen women in your situation make it to the Overachievers club. You can too if you want. It all depends on how set to do this you are. If this isn't the end all that is all for you for on month... Then maybe you make it maybe you don't. If you can convince your family and friends that you have to do this for you... Then you never know who will call and ask if you need some kid relief. Hubby might even cook supper so you can get in that last 500 words.

If you want it, you will accept the shame of adjusting your priorities for one month. I bet your family finds that they want you to. My husband before he started doing this with me would ask, "When is November going to be here? I'm not sure I can live with you when your not writing." When they see how cathartic it is for you, they will start trying help. If they don't then well.... I will leave that up to you.

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*Exclaim*Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OT: Sad face. · 10-25-13 12:03pm
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Re: OT: Sad face. · 10-24-13 7:19pm
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Re: Re: OT: Sad face. · 10-25-13 12:32pm
by Past Member 'alysia'
Re: Re: Re: OT: Sad face. · 10-25-13 8:22pm
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