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Oct 30, 2013 at 7:21pm
I have had to put my faith in my work. Good, bad, or otherwise. My husband is on the verge of throwing up his hands because he doubts his abilities and I have to work really hard to make him understand that this isn't just about writing the next great novel. NaNo is a personal journey through ones creative, and sometimes bipolar imagination. Whatever anyone of us write next month, it will be an amazing piece of our souls put into words. Every single one of us who has gone through the trials and tribulations of the prep has barely scratched the surface of what we are capable of. If nothing else, believe in yourselves. Believe in your characters, no matter how flat or boring or obtuse they may be. Be inspired by the worlds you create. And yes, your plot will stall. You will ball up your fists in frustration because your protagonist is sitting in his/her lazy boy staring at the T.V. trying to find the motivation to go grocery shopping. Make him/her go grocery shopping. Maybe the great conflict of that scene will be which toilet paper to buy. So what if it doesn't make the cut. It's still moving forward, or backwards. Words must march on. In less than 48 hours I will be starting a crazy, scary, thrilling journey with a group of people I have been blessed to get to know. Now in a week when I'm freaking out about my story making a swooshing sound as it circles the rim of the toilet remind me again why any of us take on the NaNo. Good Luck! You can do this! ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |

by Joy

by StarGazer

by Rojodi

by StarGazer

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by A Non-Existent User