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Oct 6, 2014 at 3:08am
Thank you for the tips. I did write a short scene about when my main character found out her father died. I used that for the contest. I really really really didn't like how it turned out. It is was too short and I was rushed. Its pretty much a train wreck. LOL. Now I'm trying to work on the Oct. 3rd assignment. I know my character is smart (does really well in school), confident (even though she isn't popular) and spunky (she has attitude and can be sarcastic). She believes in righting wrongs. She fights injustices. But when I try to put that down on paper my mind goes blank. I can't seem to answer any of the interview questions. Oh well. I guess I might have to skip this assignment and move on to the next until I can figure it out. Thanks, again! Be blessed and be a blessing, Fancy ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |

by Fancy

by Roseille ♥

by Fancy

by Roseille ♥