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Oct 6, 2014 at 3:17am
I'm sure it's fine! And anyway, we all wrote these things in a day, so they're not going to be perfect. As long as it helped you to understand your character, I think that's a job well done. Maybe you can complete a less-extensive character profile for Oct. 3rd, or go about it a different way? You could always write what you know about her physical appearance and personality, and then just freewrite whatever comes to mind about her? She sounds like an interesting character. It's still early, so you can do what you can for your character profile and add more as time and inspiration allow. Likewise, it looks like I'm going to have to buckle down and figure out what in the world is going to be the driving force behind my story... *whimpers and curls into a ball* |

by Fancy

by Roseille ♥

by Fancy

by Roseille ♥