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Sep 24, 2015 at 9:51pm
Unlike a lot of y'all, I'm not actually writing the same novel in November as the one I'm sending through Prep next month. Yeah, I know. Weird. But I've never been much of a purist when it comes to the rules of NaNo, and I'm using it as the kick in the butt I need to finish the novel I've been working on since last year (and which definitely padded my NaNo numbers last year). It's got about 50k worth of words left...and any less than that, I'll pad with another project as I usually do. (Yeah...Cheater McCheaterson, I know.) I just...for some reason, I am one of those people who needs the pressure of an external deadline to really write in huge numbers. Personal deadlines? Nah...forget 'em. Arbitrary deadlines like the 30th of November? Got to stick to them, darn it! But I couldn't bear not doing the Prep, either. It's...well, I would't say fun, though some days certainly are, but it is definitely a source of accountability. And it helps me get my thoughts in order. Seriously...it took me a year to outline the project I'm finishing this year and that is a re-write of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. When I get into my typical mytho-historical fantasy...years. Forever. Something like this helps me get a plot outlined so I know what I need to research, because I am the kind of person who gets lost in the research (historian and proud!) because it's almost more fun than the writing, lol. So, yeah. I need NaNo this year to actually finish something. But I definitely couldn't skip the Prep. Here's hoping I can get through this without tearing my hair out. -Quaddy ![]() ![]()
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