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Oct 1, 2015 at 11:40am
Typically I store in 3 places - writing.com, on my machine, and on a flash drive. I now have a Gingko account, but I haven't explored it at all yet. Pros of my system . . . ummmm, I like having everything on wdc assuming I have the space. I'll have to check and make sure I don't need to start deleting items to make room for this year's items. I write in Word, so it's very easy to store items on my machine and drive. Cons . . . writing in Word, things like italics don't transfer when I copy and paste into wdc. I don't have the tools that Scrivener and Gingko offer, when writing solely in Word. ** Image ID #2056809 Unavailable ** ![]() ![]() |

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