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Oct 2, 2015 at 7:16pm
I didn't know until about three days ago, what I was going to write. It just sort of popped in to my head as I was sipping my morning coffee and trying to wake up. Let me give you a few things to consider... 1) Have you had any vague ideas niggling at your brain lately? 2) Have you written any shorter works that a reader or reviewer has encouraged you to expand upon? 3) Have you had any dreams lately, that may have provided a spark of creative ideas or thoughts to you? |

by Ronis brain tumor is gone!

by Crys-not really here

by Ronis brain tumor is gone!

by Brandiwynš¶

by Ronis brain tumor is gone!

by Patrece ~

by Ronis brain tumor is gone!

by Eric the Fred

by Ronis brain tumor is gone!