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Oct 4, 2015 at 1:34pm
Sometimes the only way to get any writing done is to hit the escape button and take your writing on the road. Here are a few of my favorite places to write outside the home: 1. Village Inn - This is a diner in Lincoln that doesn't mind if you camp out in one of their booths for hours on end. The food is good, they have booths that are set up with access to outlets if you use a laptop and most important of all, free wifi. The music isn't bad either. Not loud or obnoxious. 2. Barns and Noble - Most of these delightful book shops have a cafe. If you like delicious cheese cake in all sorts of marvel flavors, here's the place for you. That and coffee, of course, who could write without access to good coffee? They also have the all important free wifi. The only negative here is the unfortunate lack of usable outlets. That and the chairs aren't the most comfortable, so you probably aren't going to want to spend too long here. 3. The library - If you want to get in out of the cold and have a nice place to park your laptop, the Library is a great choice. You'll have access to all sorts of research material, and if you're lucky, there will be some comfortable places to camp out. Down side is the no food or drink rule most libraries have. Up side is that you might find writers groups or other NaNo champs that you can chat with in between bursts of inspiration During October, make it a point to check out some new writing haunts to get you out of the house. Find out which ones will work for you now as you complete your Prep assignments. Do you have a favorite place to write outside the home? Where is it? Why does it work so well? Please share with the class! Thank you, ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose." -Stephen King |

by Noyoki