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Oct 5, 2015 at 7:05am
I did some research on where my character might have went to school and what she would have studied to go straight into the FBI. Of course, she trained at Quantico after that. Do you think I need to explain what Quantico is? I mean it's on many of the TV shows and in many books that are about FBI and other federal agencies. I did some digging into the kind of classes she would have taken to become an expert in her field in the cybercrimes unit. Of course, there is some natural talent involved as well. There will be some flashbacks to her days in college with her best friend and partner that was killed six months prior to the beginning of this novel. So, it's not that it's a crucial part of the story, but she will be talking about some of this as she goes through counseling. I just wanted to have some of it right. Not every school offers criminology and I wanted her to go to one of the top schools which is the University of Maryland. Okay, blabbering a little bit. Time to get to work on my freestyle writing/brainstorming session. |

by Shanachie

by Noyoki

by Shanachie

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