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Oct 5, 2015 at 7:14am
That is great advice about taking something you find annoying and put it on your character! I was a reading a novel not too long ago where the character was a nail biter, and that was always her "tell". I'm going to think of my own family and what they do that annoys me, and it can become an integral part of that character. In fact, that makes me think of something right now. When I write, I always have a bottle of water and dark chocolate handy. It's almost ritualistic to help me think. What weird thing do you do when you write, and how can you apply that idea to your character. For instance, my character is an FBI agent. She already has plenty of things going on. She is suffering from PTSD and that's the main thing. What does she need when she's hacking through layers of encryption on the computer? She must have her lucky penny under her keyboard or fuzzy pencil in her hand? I think this is going to go into some of my freestyle writing in a little while! Thanks for getting me thinking! Sincerely, Marci Missing Everyone ![]()

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