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Oct 3, 2016 at 2:56pm
I agree with Michelle. Even though the law isn't sentient, it is the major obstacle. Also, a society would need to be comprised of supporters of the law to have passed it in the first place. If the law was passed long ago, it may even be tradition rather than the current elves wanting the law. * According to legend, humans want to catch and enslave elves in order to make us do horrendous things. * Everyone knows the history, since the time of Famous Elf and the Incident, elves have remained hidden from the nasty humans. Sharon from New Jersey |

by Elfin Dragon-finally published

by Brandiwynš¶

by Elfin Dragon-finally published

by Brandiwynš¶

by Sharon.NJ

by Elfin Dragon-finally published

by Anders-Yuletide Uni Graduate

by Elfin Dragon-finally published