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Brandiwynš¶  , also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
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Ah now there's a whole other bag of worms.  my main character doesn't believe the law (or tradition) something worth keeping. So she doesn't feel wrong in disregarding the law itself. She has a loyalty to her people who feel it's the right thing to follow the law. So it's not the law she feels is important, but her people. She wants them to know and understand why the law is outdated, and the reason is humans aren't what they were when the law was originally created. But to do that she needs the minds of her people to be changed first.
Some of the young elves in the community "know" what she does. But the majority of elves are older and it's the council of elders which must be convinced. And the dragons which live with the elves, they also know what she does but for two reasons. The first because the land has told them and because they have a habit of walking secretly among humans. But that's another story.
I do have a pretty good idea of how to work everything in. I just need to add a few other details. But I will say that bouncing all these thoughts around has certainly helped me get a better grasp on what I want to do with the story
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