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Oct 5, 2016 at 12:21pm
You can do it however works best for you. You don't even have to write every day if you do better writing in large chunks over the weekend or on your days off. The main goal is to get to the 50k mark by the end of November. There are even a few crazy people who waffle around the whole month then end up writing the whole thing in the last two days. Use this month to track your schedule. See where there are chunks of time you can use for writing. I work full time too. So can you get up an hour or half an hour early to get a little writing in? Can you do some writing at lunch? Can you forsake TV time for writing? Look for these little slivers of time as you go through October so you can use them in November. Thank you, ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose." -Stephen King |

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