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Brandiwynš¶  , also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Research!
ooo, I have some info for you with regards to ancestry database research sites. My dad and I were talking about them and he found out that they get the vast majority of their information from Mormon registry records. Why? Because Mormons were are the only group of people who use baptismal records to baptise people Post-Mortem. But you have to prove that person was your relative.
So, the Mormon church kept strict records on all families.
Also found out that your last name may have nothing to do with an actual person. For instance, my maiden name is Nunn. Back in the middle ages many noblemen would take their children who were born out of wedlock to...you guessed it...the local Nunnery - and somewhere down the road children who grew up (or came from) these Nunneries ended up with the last name of Nunn. So it's very plausible I may be related to some English Duke, Lord, or Knight. Heck, who knows... I may be related to the Queen herself (giggle)
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