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Oct 16, 2016 at 11:02am
Some information because I know it happens to the best of us. (Almost happened to me several times!) Life gets in the way and we lose track of the time. Did you know that the log keeps track of how long you go between assignments? And you can check it to make sure you're still within the 72 hour limit? If you click on the 'by user' tab, and scroll down to your name, it lists every assignment you entered as well as the time between entering assignments. It's so useful! I've had a rough couple of writing days so it was nice to check it today to see that I still had some time to get in and write my Antagonist backstory. And remember, we're allowed to work in any order we want, so long as we're posting our assignments onto the spreadsheet and not exceeding the 72 hour limit between posts. Good luck preppers!! |

by MontyB

by Storm Machine

by Sharon.NJ

by Storm Machine