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Brandiwyn🎶  , also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
October Novel Prep Challenge << Previous • Message List • Next >>
Re: Re: Re: Re: Would you read?
I'm not so interested in the Back Story. That can be added to the story to create subplots. I'm more interested in the present. Janna must be a very good tracker, or detective. What does she have that puts her in touch with Jack? Why do I want to know why these people are dieing? If its pointing to woves, etc and He thinks differently? how does he convince the higher ups to let him pursue this idea? Can Janna bring forensic evidence that the dogs are only feeding off murdered vicims and destroying evidence? What conflicts do they face? A crooked police that wants to solve the crime and look good for the next election? They don't want to bring in Indians that make their investigation look weak? How about the relationship between the local law and Indian law? Can these two people solve a case and bring some communication and compromise to the two factions?
Thats what I want to know as a reader.
The history of these two are far less interesting than what is going on right now. How has the past developed these two? Think of Romeo and Juliet.
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