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Oct 17, 2016 at 3:05pm
Edited: October 17, 2016 at 3:06pm
Heres a quick and simple one i use for the NaNo prep. I have a more detailed one if needed for actual writing. Remove or add any sections you character specifically needs or required by the world and culture in your story. CHARACTER: Full Name Nickname: Title/Rank: Social Class: Birth Date/Place: APPEARANCE Age: Race: Eye Color: Hair Color/Style: Build (height/weight): Skin Tone: Style of Dress: Tattoos/Scars: Other Physical Attributes: CHARACTERISTICS Characteristics Mannerisms: Personality Traits: Dialogue Specifics: Common Expressions: Magical Powers: Weapons: BACKGROUND Family: Occupation: Education: History: INTERNAL CONFLICTS List of internal conflicts EXTERNAL CONFLICTS I do the internal and external conflicts section once for each book if the character is part of a series. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES: |

by MontyB

by Shanachie