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BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ Author Icon, also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
October Novel Prep Challenge
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Oct 1, 2017 at 5:45pm
Re: On behalf of LinnAnn - advice, please
You're switching points of view, LinnAnn -Book writer Author Icon. Nothing wrong with that in principle. What you have to watch out for is switching points of view without some sort of structural shift. And you provide one here - in this case, the ***. A new chapter would also work, or extra space between paragraphs, or changing to italics (especially if it's only a brief switch), or even just a change in tone - I've seen all of those tricks work.

How NOT to do it would be to switch back and forth within one paragraph.

This excerpt doesn't tell us what happens before or after. Is the first person POV consistent throughout the entire narration? Then a one-paragraph switch to third person could be jarring. In that case, consider, instead of narrating Eli's actions and words while she is asleep, perhaps integrating them into a part of a dream that she has, or, alternatively, have him tell her later.

On the other hand, if you've switched POVs on a pretty regular basis, just keep it as is.

(The above is my take on it. Other people will have other ideas, and that's great. In the end, do what works for you.)

Celestial Nights II

the pun is mightier than the sword
On behalf of LinnAnn - advice, please · 10-01-17 5:19pm
by BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ Author IconMail Icon
Re: On behalf of LinnAnn - advice, please · 10-01-17 5:38pm
by Joy Author IconMail Icon
*Exclaim*Re: On behalf of LinnAnn - advice, please · 10-01-17 5:45pm
by Robert Waltz Author IconMail Icon
Re: On behalf of LinnAnn - advice, please · 10-01-17 6:28pm
by Anders-Yuletide Uni Graduate Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: On behalf of LinnAnn - advice, please · 10-01-17 9:03pm
by LinnAnn -Book writer Author IconMail Icon

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