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Oct 5, 2017 at 9:25am
I agree - concentrate on book 1. Although you may have vague plans for future books, keep those in the back of your mind. We need some groundwork for those now, like anything Eli and others may say about this other place, how long's the journey, what's good and bad about it, etc. but book 1 needs to have enough to stand on its own. Book 1 should be Lili focused and also show her dilemma. Meet new people, the obstacles faced by them with her by their side, the hints of a return journey, the invitation, Lili's quandary over the decision. Over the course of the book, you may want the reader to agree with Lily's reasoning on why she's staying. If nothing great is relayed about her life here the reader would feel cheated on the final page if she says 'I don't want to go because I get space sick.' Readers want to know her because you probably want them to agree with her decision so they'll continue reading into book 2 and book 3. Sharon from New Jersey |

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