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Oct 18, 2017 at 9:42pm
Well, great. Now I'm at the point where I have too many scene ideas, and I'll have to cut some of them out. I suppose I can always use some of them next year. After all, some of these were leftovers from last year. Chronology. A lot of people handle it all wrong (in my opinion as a reader, of course). They go skipping around in what appears to be a deliberate attempt to confuse the reader. I don't want to be confused. No, I don't require a perfectly linear narrative - Pulp Fiction is, of course, one of the best movies ever made, and it jumps around a lot. But Blade Runner is (objectively) the greatest movie ever made (don't speak to me about the "sequel;" I haven't seen it yet), and as far as I can recall, it's entirely linear. If you do deliberately confuse the reader, and readers get confused, try not to get all smug about it. It doesn't mean you've won; it means the exact opposite. |

by Robert Waltz

by Storm Machine