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Oct 23, 2017 at 9:37pm
It may surprise some of you that I do things other than Prep and video games. Yes, I know. I know. It's all part of my carefully constructed persona. My latest project involves programming. I'm not entirely ignorant about it, but I'm always willing to learn more. Yes, even at my advanced age. Helps keep my mind sharp (though the Scotch I just consumed negates all of THAT benefit). So the question is: Can Waltz finish Prep and do NaNo, while continuing with healthy eating habits, and still get in some learning? All while also playing video games. Time will tell, I suppose. I haven't done today's assignment yet. Waiting for the Scotch to wear off some. |

by Robert Waltz

by Brandiwyn🎶

by Robert Waltz

by ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites

by Robert Waltz

by ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites

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