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BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ Author Icon, also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
October Novel Prep Challenge
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Sep 7, 2018 at 4:39pm
Some Notes about Signups
Hey Preppies,

We're getting some signups, which is great. I just wanted to clarify some things in order to make my job easier (which is always my goal, and it should be yours as well).

*Donut6* Yes, there are three usernames we're looking for with the signups: Prep name, WDC username, and NaNo username. There are good reasons for this:
*Donut2* Your WDC username isn't necessarily your NaNoWriMo username. The main reason we're here is to do NaNoWriMo in November, which means signing up at that website also. nanowrimo.org has nothing to do with writing.com, and vice versa.
*Donut2* We ask for a special Prep handle. This can be the same as or different from either of the other two names. Maybe you want to use the name you commonly put in your WDC handle (the changeable one).
*Donut2* So - Prep handle is for our use in keeping track of your signups, completed assignments, contest round entries, etc. (Technical note: We only use the first five characters of your Prep handle for arcane wizardly reasons I won't go into now, so if your name is something common like Robert, you might want to use something else so as to avoid confusion with other Roberts.) WDC username is needed for things like sending out emails noting who's still in the running, who's earned Merit Badges, etc. And NaNo username is needed so that we can verify winners in November.
*Donut2* For example, my WDC handle is usually Robert Waltz (though I, like many others, tend to change it in October as a kind of Halloween costume). My WDC username is cathartes02 (long story). Over at NaNoWriMo, I go by RWaltz. If I decide to sign up and actually do the Prep this year, I might use Waltz as a Prep name.

*Donut6* Your WDC username does not have any spaces in it. If you enter it with spaces, I'll have to do work to fix it, and I'm allergic to work. If you've already entered it with spaces, I've already fixed it. Your Prep handle can have spaces, but if you make the first five characters spaces, you will feel my wrath and it shall be great indeed.

*Donut6* After you sign up, wait a few moments for the cloud to catch up, then please check here  Open in new Window. to ensure that you're on the list. If you're not, THEN you can email me or post here and I'll do work.

*Donut6* If you're not already in the Prep group, we have to add you manually. It'll happen eventually. If it does NOT happen within a day or so, let me know. You'll get a welcome message when you're added to the group.

*Donut6* To check if you're already in the Prep group, go to My Account > My Activity > Group Memberships and look for "October NaNo Prep Challenge Group." If it's there, you're in the group.

*Donut6* One final thing: The usual NaNoWriMo goal is 50,000 words. Some people choose to do more or less, which is fine. But we need the goal on the signups. You can change it later if you need to; just let us know.

Any questions, just ask.

2018 October NaNoWriMo Prep Challenge
Tech Support Division

"Why annoy BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ with technical issues when you can annoy Robert Waltz instead?"

"...from the darkness" sig
Some Notes about Signups
· 09-07-18 4:39pm
by Robert Waltz Author IconMail Icon
Re: Some Notes about Signups · 09-16-18 2:25pm
by Catherine Hall Author IconMail Icon

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