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Sep 27, 2018 at 12:20pm
For the most part, NaNo is about cheering others on instead of tearing them down. Everyone can be a winner. And no one way is the 'right way'. Things that work well for me could be considered a nuisance by others. I find planning helps me get off to a strong start on November 1st. Others, 'the Pantsters', prefer spontaneity which may lead to excellent word count but possible tangents that are removed later. Just remember do not delete big sections of text during November if you change your mind. Keep those words in the count and continue writing. October prep provides the opportunity to name characters, establish a directory of characteristics for them, give them backgrounds, possibly write some back story, and also interview them 'based on what happened to you over the course of the novel, what was your biggest challenge? what did you learn ... about yourself and others? what would you have done differently? what did you enjoy?' Don't forget setting and possible travel routes. Do you want to be searching wikipedia in November, or have a stash of info stored in your favorite tool such as OneNote, Pinterest, Airtable, etc? You can use wikipedia, google maps with street view, zillow or realtor.com for home interiors or find out features of homes in the area like basements, septic, wells vs. city water, etc. Or other research or world-building for historical or fantasy novels. In addition to Writing.com, the NaNo forums have a wide variety of topics, and your NaNo region may have activities that catch your fancy both in-person or online. I find word sprints in the online regional chat room boost words written for the day. Sharon from New Jersey |

by Emily

by Jayne

by Emily