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Oct 20, 2019 at 12:58pm
That's really a great question, Kristina. I guess it depends on the book we are writing. Most of the time, theme falls into place on its own. Sometimes, though, we can begin structuring a story with a certain theme in mind. Some writers never even think about the theme in the beginning. Just a premise is enough for them. Starting with a theme can force the plot or characters into action that they are not made for, but then, if you choose carefully, theme-first idea may succeed. As for me, I have never started with a theme in mind. It is usually a character or a plot possibility, but once I start with the outlines or the writing itself, the theme makes itself known. In this year's book, I have a possible theme, but the real theme may rise to surface later. I can sense it but I can't really name it, yet. |

by Chrys O'Shea

by Joy

by Chrys O'Shea