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Oct 24, 2019 at 5:18pm
Yesss, brainstorming is wonderful! There is absolutely a place for structure, but I've found the ideas tend to flow best when I'm just letting my brain go nuts and I don't feel too bad pressing enter six times and writing— NO WAIT THAT'S STUPID. What if, instead... I yell at myself a bit, really clarify what scenes and themes my heart is in, and often talk myself through story blocks. I found out the hard way when I was young that excessive structure and no-holds-barred outlining satisfies my need to tell a story, so by the time I finished writing a 35+ page outline for a failed novel when I was 15, I felt satisfied that I had already "told" the story I wanted to tell, and that fire went out... having never become an actual story! ![]() I can't imagine the effort that goes into running an activity like this one and revising the assignments so they work well for the most people. I think the assignments are quite nicely balanced. Thank you so much for the huge amount of time you've put into making the prep such an amazing activity for writers! |

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

by Roseille ♥

by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

by Roseille ♥

by Carol St.Ann

by Brandiwyn🎶