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Sep 19, 2020 at 6:04pm
Oh, I agree with you. In fact, a newspaper story, in my local paper, published about 20 years ago inspired my current story. I've fought trying to find a good angle for it that long. It's about a well dressed Mexican girl found in the orchards next to a canal with her head based in. Her infant son thrown into the canal alive and left to drown, which he did. She was never identified despite being put on public display for 3 days. Case closed as a "cold case. Now this doesn't sound to different from today's happenings but this took place in 1927. The majority of people were poor as well as legal immigrants. I began to ask myself questions---Again---thinking along the lines of my current story and --sex-trafficking--popped into my mind among a whole lot of other things and questions. Kristina |

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