About This Author
Brandiwynš¶  , also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
October Novel Prep Challenge << Previous • Message List • Next >>
Day 3 Discussion: Plotter or Pantster?
Happy Day 3! Remember, you should have at least one entry submitted to the log to be in the running for the Merit Badge and other fun prizes!
Day 3 is a question I feel has been asked plenty of times before, but one I still find fascinating seeing the variety of answers to. Are you a plotter or pantster?
I'm a pantster, which seems ridiculous since I almost always do Prep. I write up all this wonderful prep, and then ignore it completely. It either goes out the window and suddenly the character is completely different, or it comes to November 1st and I decide the idea that's inspiring me isn't the one I've prepped for!

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