About This Author
*Bullet* Kiya is a young woman with many interests. She's got a degree in Computer Science and Registered Nursing.
*Bullet* She's an avid reader and considers Stephen King one of her favorite authors. *Bullet* She's also been known to pen one or two stories here and there, and as a proud moderator of Writing.Com, she invites you to check out her portfolio (and even better, to sign up today!).

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Apr 29, 2021 at 5:20am
Re: Hi 😊 & Thank you!
Hallo, hallo!

Okay, first impressions - not knowing the full context of this paragraph, I'll go with my gut reaction.
Nice imagery; the use of the dam and the subsequent flux of emotions is conveyed well to the reader. It allows us an insight into the thought process of the narrator and we are introduced to what problems she might be dealing with.
However, though the rest of the paragraph continues to expand on our narrator's inner turmoil, the distractions come with the grammatically errors dotted here and there. You sometimes mix tenses, for example:

>>I used whatever strength that was left in me to control it, to force a smile and pretended like I was the strong

Since most of the paragraph is using the past tense, perhaps this section might read better as:

>>I used whatever strength that was left in me to control it. I forced a smile and pretended like I was strong...

(I actually broke that phrase into two sentences as it read better to me out loud - which I sometimes do when writing)

There were also wrong punctuation marks used; using small letters in place of capitals and not using contractions with some words that require it.

So yes, you still have a bit of work to do to polish it, but don't hesitate to take advantage of the many writing classes/groups available around Writing.com to help you with such things. For instance: "A Writing ExerciseOpen in new Window.

The best of luck with your craft! *Bigsmile*

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Hi 😊 & Thank you! · 04-14-21 9:58am
by Blind Desire Author IconMail Icon
*Exclaim*Re: Hi 😊 & Thank you! · 04-29-21 5:20am
by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon

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