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Sep 22, 2021 at 4:51pm
Hi, My muse has been acting up as of late. I too, have been house bound due to a mobility problem. I got use to my son taking me out once a month for bills and grocery shopping. So long as I could grab something, I was fine. Now he has a job. I am very glad for him. Now, I need to depend on me. My muse got wind of this and transferred itself to the kitchen. I have cooking mostly from scratch and "making up healthy vegetable side ,dishes. The tastes are great (I think), some look weird as far as color goes. I also dine mostly on chicken, liver, and fish. I think it is working. I will know when I need to catch the bus for my MD appt. I signed up for nano prep and nano, hoping to lure my muse back to its rightful place. I am really looking forward to it. Kristina |

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