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BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ Author Icon, also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
October Novel Prep Challenge
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Oct 3, 2021 at 3:32pm
The Hair Colour Conundrum
Working on the protagonist profile, which I can probably extend, but right now I'm burned out on that. I could see the hair colour I wanted my protagonist to have in my minds eye, yet I was unsure how exactly to describe it. I felt sure that women must be able to distinguish between thousands of shades of red, and thought it proper to identify the correct one. A search - quickly narrowed down to 'Hair colour, reds' produced a lot of pictures, mainly for hair dyes. Not only did I find the colour I wanted - it is 'copper', but I found a picture of a woman who would be perfect as Boudica. She's a Clairol model *InLove*. I won't post the picture here, as I'm not sure what the copyright issues might be, but I do have my Boudica.

I also had to go searching for height and weight tables, honestly, I never look at someone and think 'she must be 5'5" and 7 stones and I wonder what that is in kilograms.' Not sure that it helps me to know these things, but I haven't started writing yet, so who knows.

The IN-DEPTH CHARACTER PROFILE that I used was one linked in today's assignment:


It is very in depth and I haven't completed it yet, but it was a great help having something to work to.
The Hair Colour Conundrum
· 10-03-21 3:32pm
by Adhere - Definitely Writing Author IconMail Icon
Re: The Hair Colour Conundrum · 10-03-21 6:50pm
by QueenNormaJean now the melt Author IconMail Icon
Re: The Hair Colour Conundrum · 10-03-21 6:59pm
by QueenNormaJean now the melt Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: The Hair Colour Conundrum · 10-04-21 8:34am
by BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ Author IconMail Icon

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