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Oct 7, 2021 at 12:21am

Re: Re: Re: I really need some input
by Past Member 'stolenthrones'
Hello Chrys O'Shea thought I'd add another idea that may help a little? First I totally love were your coming from looks great! Wonderful protagonist idea, keep thinkin on him. I agree with Cheddah, what are his flaws wants and what lesson does he need to learn (how does he need to change). Oh and yes make your protagonist qualify he is YOUR protagonist after all. Maybe later in you can bring up a story of YOUR protagonist hiding from The Blood Law? and with him not having had family it was carried out? And now he and his wife are in danger because The Blood Law is back because he(the protagonist brought it back)? Anyway YOUR story do what you like with it and don't get to discouraged! ** Image ID #2258136 Unavailable ** |

by Chrys O'Shea

by QueenNormaJean now the melt

by CheerFairy Dutchessbarbie.

by Chrys O'Shea