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Oct 8, 2021 at 10:03pm
I'm not sure, but I think my scope is too broad. I liked the revolution idea, the revolution would have to involve the way the US gov. is dealing with the laws so the Cherokees take things into their own hands and provide the punishment fit. The chief's death would be because he didn't agree with their reasoning instead of working it out possibly. OR My antagonist that I have is the chief's son., He want's to be chief But Black Elk stands in his way and Grey Eyes lures him back to the Qualla to kill him. They have been rivals since child-hood. Though he is a half-breed, the chief wants Black Elk to follow him. In the Cherokee family the mother's brother is the father figure to the kids even though the father is in the picture. I just am not sure how to write this. Kristina |

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