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Oct 13, 2021 at 9:00am
I'm with you! It's either sandwiches or I'm sending Husband out for pizza. Oh, it can Papa Murphy's but that's okay because all we have to do is put it in the oven. And one more thing. This is the only time of year I allow myself a soda pop. And it's the only time of year I get a craving for Coke. So...Husband brought home a six pack and there's a long cold coke just waiting for me later on. I can't decide if I want to drink it straight from the bottle, or if I want to put a dollop of vanilla ice cream in it for a home-made black cow. Hmmm...maybe I should just go get it now! Cheddah ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |

by Quilli ☕

by Adhere - Definitely Writing

by Quilli ☕

by Adhere - Definitely Writing

by Quilli ☕

by Brandiwyn🎶

by Quilli ☕

by QueenNormaJean now the melt

by Adhere - Definitely Writing

by Quilli ☕

by Adhere - Definitely Writing