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Oct 22, 2021 at 1:02am
And someone is VERY proud to have written that, I'm sure. I think the hostility strangling the oxygen out of the air is a bit creative. Perhaps more creative than I might have gone, but I think it shows that it was VERY hostile there, so that at least makes sense. As for the permanent impermanence of the shelter, I think they are showing that it will forever be a crappy shelter and they used a crappy oxymoron to show it. I think you're not looking deeply enough into this. That's the problem. For time dilating...uh, yeah, I'm just going with extreme creativity in that one...with, perhaps, a dash of cocaine. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest
More Word Fun · 10-20-21 8:35pm
by QueenNormaJean snow finally!!!
Re: More Word Fun · 10-21-21 12:37pm
by Dobie Mom