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Aug 11, 2022 at 1:28pm
Hello my name is Brandon Hunter and my pen name is Lyon Ironheart. Ever since I was 13 years old I have been dreaming of being the #1 best selling novelist. For years I've been dipping into the world of fanfiction to help get me prepared for writing my own original content. Of course I've been participating in the war of legality to publish my fanfiction. So with that being said I've been doing my best to make sure that my current fanfiction stories are both derivative and transformative until I get a real chance to publish my self published works known as doujinshi in Japan. And what fantasy adventure story writer doesn't get their inspiration from well-known video games like Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda hm? As a matter of fact that is what I hope to self publish is my own doujinshi of said video games at my local anime, manga and video game convention known as Youmacon in Downtown Detroit, Michigan at the Cobo Hall this year. I even have this really great idea for a reboot of my circle of friends and fans who enjoy the Kingdom Hearts series. I've been inspired by Steven King to retell Kingdom Hearts as a ghost story and my reboot titled Kingdom Phantasms is the retelling. Overall I hope to find a good mentor that can show me more than writing in prose. It's been my style for who knows how long and it's getting stale in my honest opinion. So yes if you want to leave a helping comment on my thread or leave me a message within my inbox I'm free to talk with you guys and gals. |

by Lyon Ironheart