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Sep 29, 2022 at 2:20pm
Hello everybody! I'm baaaack! I'm also looking forward to doing this again. I don't believe I did because my back went out completely and there was no way I could even think about writing. Things are much better this year, and I'd like to try doing this - dipping my toe back in. I have a feeling I won't make the 50K mark but even if I get a fraction of that count I will be very happy. So many things going on with my life right now - we have a furry new addition to our household. We got a kitten just when my back went out last Oct, and now she's one! Her name is CC (stands for Constance Chaos - and her name fits purrrrfectly! (sorry, I couldn't resist)). I also started a new hobby on the side - vinyl decal making. It gives my hands something to make and I'm having fun with it. If you are new to this group you shouldn't feel self-conscious - the people here are extremely helpful and kind. Good luck to everyone! Dobie |

by Dobie Mom