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Oct 8, 2022 at 8:30pm
And THIS is why we prep, people!!! Imagine if you were in the middle of NaNo and discovered this! On the good side, I'd say the other words should still count, but it would be sad that they weren't going in the direction you wanted. Here's an idea--if you ever get the new one finished and published, you could also work on the one you just scrapped and have it as a novella for folks to see the direction it was originally going. Fans might find that really interesting! Though maybe release them together so folks who enjoy the "real" one can immediately go find the other. They aren't likely to do it 6 months later, IMO. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest
Back where I started... · 10-08-22 1:41pm
by Adherennium - Maybe Writing?