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BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ Author Icon, also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
October Novel Prep Challenge
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Oct 16, 2022 at 5:18am
Edited: October 16, 2022 at 5:40am
Re: Re: Thank you, guys!
QueenNormaJean now the melt Author IconMail Icon: vanilla is sugar with 10% real vanilla worked into it*Idea*... and it gives an extra yum to every baking project.*Hungry*

Your question concerning "changing" the Nutella "recipe" (by Ferrero, who makes it): The Short answer's Yes.

They put more sugar and preservatives in it and skimped on chocolate & nuts (what once made up Nutella*Shock2*), because it's easier and cheaper to produce then.*Angry*

(That's also the reason it has more the color of... you-know-what*Shock* now and only tastes like sugar.*Sick*)

The recipe I posted, is by some others like me, who didn't want to be messed with by Ferrero anymore, and began trying to reproduce it with natural ingredients.*Idea*

As you saw, it contains only 6 ingredients, and all needed: real chocolate, hazelnuts, milk, butter, (vanilla) sugar.*Hungry*

You can easily put it together... and the more organic ingredients you use, the better.

Fat BUT, though.*Shock2*

Since there's no conservatives in it (except the added sugars), you shall use it up in 7 - 14 days max (depending how cold you fridge is), because otherwise it goes moldy. *Shock2*

So I always make a smaller quantity, like a 400 gr / roughly 1 lb glass.*Idea* And 2 lb. when friends want some, too. *Wink*

By the way, I already converted 2 Nutella haters.*Laugh*
Thank you, guys! · 10-15-22 6:35pm
by Olivia: Quill Voting till 3/15 Author IconMail Icon
Re: Thank you, guys! · 10-15-22 7:10pm
by QueenNormaJean now the melt Author IconMail Icon
*Exclaim*Re: Re: Thank you, guys! · 10-16-22 5:18am
by Olivia: Quill Voting till 3/15 Author IconMail Icon
Re: Thank you, guys! · 10-15-22 9:06pm
by BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: Thank you, guys! · 10-16-22 5:35am
by Olivia: Quill Voting till 3/15 Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: Re: Thank you, guys! · 10-16-22 11:16am
by Angelica Weatherby- HappyVDay Author IconMail Icon

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