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Oct 24, 2022 at 10:27pm
I was worried the day would pass without a winner - but Shanachie is our winner #9!! Join the cheerleading team in wishing her well! She makes the group a 'nonet', if we stick with the musical theme. Also a group of nine is called an 'ennead'. That's a new term for me. More references to the number 9: * cats have 9 lives * there are 9 planets - yes, I still recognize Pluto * a human pregnancy usually lasts 9 months - but ask any pregnant woman at that stage of pregnancy and they'll tell you 9 years * a Sudoku game has 9 squares Write on!! NJ CHEERING QUEEN |
Winner #9! · 10-24-22 10:27pm
by QueenNormaJean snow?forgetit..
Re: Winner #9! · 10-24-22 11:22pm
by Dragon is hiding