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Oct 4, 2023 at 3:38pm
I may have mistaken what the part of Day-Four's exercise was for. I took it to mean writing what was going on in life prior to the story beginning, with the second part of the exercise being working out what event spurred a writable tale out of the mundane. I'd definitely not want to start my actual tale there, rather I'd start after the events of Day-Four's exercise. This is not to say it was not a valuable exercise in understanding char background & relationship dynamics. So after this exercise, I actually felt eager for my tale telling again! Last night I was reading online tips on how to start the actual tale. Was great. Starting in the midst of an interesting dialog appeals to me. I am reminded also of The Hook of the Book competition. Out of interest I got out my favourite-book-ever, and looked at how that first paragraph/first page went. Dang! It was good! ![]() Hope |

by S 🤦

by Storm Machine

by Brandiwyn🎶

by Storm Machine

by Brandiwyn🎶

by Storm Machine