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Brandiwyn🎶 Author Icon, also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
October Novel Prep Challenge
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Oct 11, 2023 at 10:57am
October 11 Prepping
Hello fellow planners,
Sorry this is late. I am feeling like cow poop and have managed to get a wicked cold.
I do hope your planning is going well and that your story is revealing itself to you. This is an exciting time of year - all this planning. Today involves world building and/or research.

Here is the write up from the Prepping Calendar:
Oct. 11 - General: Freestyle Brainstorm, World Building or Research
Spend at least fifteen minutes clarifying things through "What If" brainstorming, mind mapping (see resources at the bottom of the calendar), freestyle writing, lists, drawings or research as follows:
World Building: For fantasy, science fiction, or other speculative fiction, develop the history, economy, geology, ecology, and/or maps for your world.
Research: For reality-based fiction, research aspects of your novel that will lend credibility to your writing.

You may also choose to use this time to finish a previous assignment that needs more time.

Do what you need to do today to give your story a bit more substance. Remember to hold your story loosely and be open to where it wants to go.

For me, I have enjoyed drawing maps of my small town to help me remember where things are and who runs each of the shops. These details have saved me a lot of time when I forget and need to look something up again.

I also looked up some interesting videos on Youtube to see what others have to say about world building and researching for your story. There is a wealth of stuff. I choose the three below to give you a taste of what's out there.

World Building:

Research for reality-based fiction:

Another one: Audio

Enjoy learning about the process and delving into the wonders of your tale. I do hope things are starting to take shape.

Happy prepping.

Don’t forget to keep posting your work in the Entry Logs. I almost forgot, but thanks to reminders, I am still on track.

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October 11 Prepping
· 10-11-23 10:57am
by 💙 Carly - February is here! Author IconMail Icon
Re: October 11 Prepping · 10-11-23 11:53am
by QueenNormaJean now the melt Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: October 11 Prepping · 10-11-23 9:55pm
by 💙 Carly - February is here! Author IconMail Icon
Re: October 11 Prepping · 10-11-23 1:06pm
by Brandiwyn🎶 Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: October 11 Prepping · 10-11-23 7:37pm
by QueenNormaJean now the melt Author IconMail Icon

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