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Oct 12, 2023 at 9:34pm
Exposition is more a telling thing. "AB was five foot six with honey blonde hair that reached to her waist and deep blue eyes..." is expositional description. "AB stared at XY with anger in her eyes, their blue colouring seeming to be colder than usual. She shook her head with such vigour that her waist-length hair covered her face in honey-blonde waves, then stood erect, arms folded across her chest, making her appear taller than her five and a half feet, scowling at him, her body quivering with the pent-up emotion..." is more showing (and, yes, I know it's terrible, but it's just to sghow a difference). Both are exposition, but one is telling the reader directly, like the stats of a sports-person, while the other is using the descriptors to create a scene and help portray the character. I mean, ideally, these descriptions would not appear so close to one another, either, but it's just to show a difference. And sorry if I am stating the bleeding obvious here. |

by Chrys O'Shea

by S 🤦

by 💙 Carly - February is here!