Dragon Vale Bulletin and FAQs (#3616584)"> Dragon Vale Bulletin and FAQs (#3616584)">
WDC Dragon Vale
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Jan 28, 2024 at 3:55pm
Edited: February 14, 2025 at 8:05pm
*Announce*Dragon Vale Bulletin and FAQs
*Lock* by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon
*Announce* DRAGON VALE BULLETIN *Announce*

This board will be updated every now and then when a new task is added, a dragon has advanced, rules update, etc.






*Clock* Feb 13, 2025 11:00 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
Merit Badge in Purrfect Love
[Click For More Info]

    Happy month of Love, Jody! I hope you are having a great time with your friends, family and love ones. *^*HeartRate1*^*
*Scroll* Send a Valentine's Day themed Merit Badge (like the one shown above) to anyone close to your heart with a special message for 50 XPs per MB
*Scroll* Participate in "Search for a WDC HeartThrob Poet Open in new Window. for 200 XPs
*Scroll* Participate in "Hearts Afire. February 2025. (Closed)Open in new Window. for 200 XPs
*Scroll* Participate in "The Dark & Twisted Romance ContestOpen in new Window. for 200 XPs
*Scroll* Win 1st Place in "Search for a WDC HeartThrob Poet Open in new Window. for 1000 XPs
*Scroll* Win 2nd Place in "Search for a WDC HeartThrob Poet Open in new Window. for 500 XPs
*Scroll* Win 3rd Place in "Search for a WDC HeartThrob Poet Open in new Window. for 250 XPs
*Scroll* Win 1st Place in "Hearts Afire. February 2025. (Closed)Open in new Window. for 1000 XPs
*Scroll* Win 2nd Place in "Hearts Afire. February 2025. (Closed)Open in new Window. for 500 XPs
*Scroll* Win 3rd Place in "Hearts Afire. February 2025. (Closed)Open in new Window. for 250 XPs
*Scroll* Win 1st Place in "The Dark & Twisted Romance ContestOpen in new Window. for 1000 XPs
*Scroll* Win 2nd Place in "The Dark & Twisted Romance ContestOpen in new Window. for 500 XPs
*Scroll* Win 3rd Place in "The Dark & Twisted Romance ContestOpen in new Window. for 250 XPs


*Clock* Dec 1, 2024 7:40 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Participate in "Secret Santa 2024 - ClosedOpen in new Window. for 150 XP
*Scroll* Review an Item from "The Shameless "Plug" PageOpen in new Window. for 150 XP
*Scroll* Review an Item from "The GC+ Shameless "Plug" PageOpen in new Window. for 150 XP
*Scroll* Create a Dragon-themed Trinket with a link to the Vale (every Trinket counts) for 75 XP


*Clock* Sep 16, 2024 10:21 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Host/Initiate a Newsfeed Challenge and offer rewards to Participants (Resets monthly) for 200 XP


*Scroll* Write a story (at least 500 words) or poem (at least 10 lines) using your Dragon as one of the characters. Dragon's name must be present. (Max of 4 pieces) for 200 XP
*Scroll* Sponsor an Award for The Quills for 200 XP
*Scroll* Win in the current year of the Quills (2023 Winning counts) for 1000 XP


*Clock* Aug 26, 2024 4:39 AM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Send a member with Anniversary through "Anniversary CNote from Dragon ValeOpen in new Window. for 20 XP


*Clock* Aug 19, 2024 8:48 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Participate in the Happy List of "The Happiness Port ProjectOpen in new Window. for 30 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the Thankful Thursday of "The Happiness Port ProjectOpen in new Window. for 20 XP
*Scroll* Post something in "SMALL TALK Open in new Window. for 15 XP
*Scroll* Initiate a topic in "The 7/7 ForumOpen in new Window. for 15 XP


*Clock* Feb. 24, 2024 7:36 AM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book] 250 words and above on Further Comments field for 500 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book] 250 words and below on Further Comments field for 250 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: All Non-Book] 200 words and above on Further Comments field for 200 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: All Non-Book] 200 words and below on Further Comments field for 100 XP


*Clock* Feb. 23, 2024 12:00 AM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Add a link to this activity on your Billboard for a month (Resets monthly) for 100 XP
*Scroll* Add a link to this activity on your Signature for a month (Resets monthly) for 100 XP
*Scroll* Donate to The Quills for 100 XP
*Scroll* Sponsor an Award for The Quills for 500 XP


*Clock* Feb. 21, 2024 7:23 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* "Send Your Testimonial!Open in new Window. for the year (Resets annually) for 500 XP
*Scroll* "Send Your Testimonial!Open in new Window. the year to SiteJabber.Com  Open in new Window. (Resets annually) for 500 XP
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with minimum of 500 words (Resets daily; Every entry counts) for 30 XP
*Scroll* Write a Blog/book entry with no minimum requirement (Resets daily; Every entry counts) for 15 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book] for 250 XP
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: All Non-Book] for 200 XP
*Scroll* Donate a package to any active Auction/Bidding Activity (Each package counts) for 30 XP
*Scroll* Dragon Animated Top 1 in IM Scroll (Top Game Sponsors rank) (Resets monthly) for 200 XP
*Scroll* Dragon Animated Top 2 in IM Scroll (Top Game Sponsors rank) (Resets monthly) for 100 XP
*Scroll* Dragon Animated Top 3 in IM Scroll (Top Game Sponsors rank) (Resets monthly) for 50 XP
*Scroll* Dragon Animated Top 4 and Below in IM Scroll (Top Game Sponsors rank) (Resets monthly) for 25 XP


*Clock* Feb. 9, 2024 7:53 AM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Submit a Product Review for 250 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of "Weekly 1000 words or lessOpen in new Window. for 100 XP


*Clock* Feb. 6, 2024 7:34 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of "HONORING OUR VETERANS Open in new Window. for 100 XP


*Clock* Feb. 4, 2024 5:53 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Participate in this year's "My Secret ValentineOpen in new Window. for 50 XP
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of "Folklore and Legends Contest Open in new Window. for 100 XP


*Clock* Feb. 3, 2024 9:30 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Check in (Resets daily) for 1 XP
*Scroll* Win in "The Weekly Quickie ContestOpen in new Window. (Each win counts) for 75 XP
*Scroll* Participate in "The Weekly Quickie ContestOpen in new Window. (Resets weekly) for 50 XP


*Clock* Feb. 2, 2024 9:45 AM EST | XP REQUIREMENT UPDATE
Reduce the XP requirement to Level Up your Dragons
Level 1: Hatchling
          COMMON: As is.
          RARE: Reduce from 2,000 XP down to 1,500 XP
          EPIC: Reduce from 3,000 XP down to 2,000 XP

Level 2: Fledgling
          COMMON: Reduce from 8, 000 XP down to 3,000 XP
          RARE: Reduce from 9,000 XP down to 4,000 XP
          EPIC: Reduce from 10,000 XP down to 5,000 XP

Level 3: Juvenile
          COMMON: Reduce from 18, 000 XP down to 8,000 XP
          RARE: Reduce from 19,000 XP down to 9,000 XP
          EPIC: Reduce from 20,000 XP down to 10,000 XP

Level 4: Adult
          COMMON: Reduce from 28,000 XP down to 13,000 XP
          RARE: Reduce from 29,000 XP down to 14,000 XP
          EPIC: Reduce from 30,000 XP down to 15,000 XP

Level 5: Full-Grown
          COMMON: Reduce from 38,000 XP down to 18,000 XP
          RARE: Reduce from 39,000 XP down to 19,000 XP
          EPIC AND LEGENDARY: Reduce from 40,000 XP down to 20,000 XP


Trinkets are now collectible to all Dragon Tamers.


*Clock* Feb. 1, 2024 6:52 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED/UPDATED
*Scroll* Write a story (at least 500 words) or poem (at least 10 lines) using your Dragon as one of the characters. Dragon's name must be present. (Max of 4 pieces)
*Scroll* Participate in "WonderlandOpen in new Window. (Every prompt response counts)


Image Protector
Main Gateway Open in new Window. [E]
Portal to the dragon realms
by Friendly Neighborhood Derg Author Icon

Is now open. Dragon Tamers may now start taking the Exploration.



{item:dragonvale} *Right* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

{item:adopt} *Right* "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.


*Clock* Jan. 29, 2024 2:14 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED
*Scroll* Participate in the current round of Kit's active contests in "Kit's Contest and Awards GroupOpen in new Window. (Resets monthly) for 100 XP
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per MB) for 25XP
*Scroll* Send an Awardicon (with link to the Vale) to the Vale Chief (Counts per Awardicon) for 25 XP
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to a fellow Dragon Tamer (Counts per MB) for 15 XP
*Scroll* Send an Awardicon (with link to the Vale) to a fellow Dragon Tamer (Counts per Awardicon) for 15 XP
*Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to a fellow WDC member (Counts per MB) for 5 XP
*Scroll* Send an Awardicon (with link to the Vale) to a fellow WDC member (Counts per Awardicon) for 5 XP


*Clock* Jan. 28, 2024 4:00 PM EST | NEW TASK ADDED
*Scroll* Write a story or poem using your Dragon as one of the characters (Dragon's name must be present) for 500 XP
*Announce*Dragon Vale Bulletin and FAQs
· 01-28-24 3:55pm
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon
This thread is locked and new replies may not be submitted.
The following section applies to this forum item as a whole, not this individual post.
Any feedback sent through it will go to the forum's owner, GERVIC.
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