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Sep 2, 2024 at 10:35am
Edited: September 2, 2024 at 9:48pm
~~~ Checking in 1 XP plus my multiplier badge = 2 XP ~~~ ~~~ Earn the Achievement Merit Badge (Every MB from Achievements counts) 25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP ~~~ *Scroll* Gift tickets to a fellow member (1 ticket per member in the current raffle round counts) "Tickets please" - 1 xp x 6 tickets plus my multiplier badge = 12 xp 1 xp x 2 tickets plus my multiplier badge = 4 xp ~~~ *Scroll* Gift tickets to a fellow member (1 ticket per member in the current raffle round counts) "Ring Toss" - 1 xp x 6 tickets plus my multiplier badge = 12 xp did this yesterday but forgot to count it ~~~ ~~~ public review anniversary member here (any = 15; newbie or Gervic = 20 ; anniversary = 25) 25 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 50 XP Review of "My Bio" ~~~ Sending MB to a member with anniversary this month gets you 10 raffle tickets. 5 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 10 XP *Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to a fellow WDC member (Counts per MB, please ensure CR) *Scroll* Send a Merit Badge (with link to the Vale) to a fellow Dragon Tamer (Counts per MB, please ensure CR) I am not sure if she's a dragon tamer or not so going with the lower points, but if she is, please give me the higher points. ~~~ Write a new entry item "Writing Poem" 15 XP plus my multiplier badge = 30 XP ~~~ ~~~ 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP *Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly) "Re: September 1 "WdC Supportive Friend"" did this yesterday but forgot to log it ~~~ 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP *Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly) Imagine this gets credited like Tour de Ports "Re: September 2: WdC Community Hero" ~~~ 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP *Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly) This one doesn't have an exact post I can share, but you can see what I wrote... the newest posts are at the top. "Charlie Chaplin Chews Chocolate Chutney" : 09-02-24 @ 4:10pm : Cute cows chew cud and cuddle with cute calves in clover. ~~~ 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP *Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly) "Invalid Post" ~~~ 10 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 20 XP *Scroll* Participate in "The Prompt Me Contest" (Resets weekly) "Re: Sept/Week 1: Include the word PARTY (1..." ~~~ 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP *Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly) "March book" ~~~ ~~~ *Scroll* Participate in the "Weekly Goals" (Resets weekly) "Goals: WDC Anniversary / Birthday Week (Sep 2 - 5, 2024) " 15 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge =30 XP ~~~
~~~ *Scroll* Submit a Product Review [Type: Book] 250 words and above on Further Comments field for 500 XP plus my multiplier badge = 1000 XP
~~~ GERVIC Do I get points for entering my product reviews here? I didn't add any to the total, so if I do, please add them. "1 book review" ~~~ ~~~ 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP *Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly) "A Naval Surgeon to Fight For " ~~~ Superpower Reviewers Monthly MB challenge 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/1 forgot to add 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2 (they get put in the same post) *Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly) "PWheeler SuperPower September reviews " ~~~ Positive Hearts Monthly MB challenge 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/1 forgot to add 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2 (they get put in the same post) "PWheeler September Positive Hearts Reviews" ~~~ Kit's Spread the Love Raffle 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/1 think I forgot to add it 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2 (I put them in the same post to help her) "Package 8 tickets please" ~~~ ~~~ Anniversary Reviews Monthly MB challenge 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/1 think I forgot to add it, but now it's part of my template "1 anniversary review" 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP 9/2 (they get put in the same post) "1 anniversary review" ~~~ ~~~ SHOW off Your BEST 75 XP: x 2 for my multiplier badge = 150 XP *Scroll* Participate in the current round of any member-hosted monthly contest (Resets monthly) "Entry please" ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My dragons: Phoenixia, Brenna, Aelin and Fireheart Task List for my reference ▼ You're cordially invited to join the fun at "Habit Heroes " and "WDC Dragon Vale " |